Why You Might Want to Incorporate a Mouth Wash into Your Daily Oral Hygiene Care

Keeping your smile healthy and strong means brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist for professionals exams and cleanings twice a year. But did you know that mouthwashes can boost your oral care, in addition to brushing and flossing? Incorporating a mouthwash can work with your toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental flossing tool to address any oral conditions you have,... read more »

Preventing Gum Disease

Healthy gums are the foundation of a good smile. The need for preventing gum disease goes beyond making sure your teeth have a good home. Yes, gum disease can cause lost teeth, bad breath and damage to your jaw. However, problems with your gums can cause other health issue. Breathing in the bacteria present in gum disease could lead to... read more »

Oral Health ABCs: Halitosis

If you've ever experienced bad breath, you're well aware of the social anxieties and stresses it can bring into your life. Halitosis, also known as bad breath, can affect your social life, your work life, and your daily relationship with your peers, coworkers, as well as family members. However bad breath is treatable if you know what its root causes... read more »